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芭黎僧服 如法庄严

信息来源   时间: 2014-01-23  浏览次数:16214

    芭黎,一个居世界佛教僧服之“优质品牌”的名字,已经在佛教界深耕30余年。 总部设在台湾的“芭黎僧服”企业,自一九九二年起在福建上杭设立了芭黎、芭方僧服外商独资专业生产基地。工厂面积达七千多平方米,并引进台湾先进的工艺制造技术和一流的生产设备,是具有全工业化流水生产线,集生产出家、在家佛教徒所需之僧装、袈裟、僧鞋、居士服、在家服、居士鞋、香袋、庄严道具等佛教用品为一体的厂家。产品以进口面料为主,国产高、中、低档面料也按需一应俱全。
    Balisenfu is the undisputed leader in the Buddhist garb for more than three decades.
    Its mother company is Taiwan’s Balisenfu Enterprise. In 1992, Bali and Ba Fang Sen Fu, a foreign sole ownership production base was put up in Shanghang , Fujian , China . The factory, which has an area of more than 7000 square meters, is equipped with a fully automated and the finest imported and most advanced technology from Taiwan . Balisenfu has complete line of imported and local monk’s ceremonial robes, casual wear, at home wear, shoes/footwear, pouch, and all kinds of ceremonial accessories.
    Our company has recently developed its line of environmentally friendly line of candles for use in lighting the way to Buddha.
    Our greatest desire is to serve the followers of Buddhishm with the highest quality of goods in the most excellent way.
    Guaranteed Quality. Innovation. Warmest Service. Good Relations. – that’s our motto. Minguan Garments is one with you on the road to Buddha.