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信息来源   时间: 2014-01-23  浏览次数:32577

    据《VOVNEWS》报道,2009年7月30日,越南政治局委员、党中央委员会常任秘书Truong Tan Sang在越南河内举行的一场会议上表示,经过对五年前越南十一届国会第七次会议通过的决议执行状况的审查,越南共产党关于宗教事务的决议的实施已经为越南人民宗教生活带来了积极的转变。         Sang先生表示,所有的宗教教派都能够遵纪守法,和全国人们一起和谐生活。各宗教领导及其信众都相信党的领导,积极投身到越南经济社会发展项目中去,特别是在慈善活动和一些模范行为中,表现突出。而他们的各项宗教节日庆祝活动也都能够合法有序进行。然而,近年来,随着一些教派信众数目的增加以及这些教派鲜明的历史特征要求国家政策制定者和管理者处理一些日常生活中发生的问题,以确保全国人民和广大宗教信众的利益。
  在此会议提交的一份报告中,越南党大众动员委员会主席Ha Thi Khiet认为党在鼓励宗教信众从事模范活动,做模范先锋以及建立民族大团结上已经取得了显著的进步。她表示,从中央到地方,各宗教宗派不论是从信众数目上还是宗教场所上都在蓬勃发展。国家已经为所有宗派及其信众提供了有利条件来进行他们的宗教修习。Khiet女士表示,越南在处理外部宗教事务上也取得了重要进展。获得了越南国内外公众的支持与帮助。这也验证了越南党和国家尊重和保障公民宗教信仰自由的政策是正确的,促进了国家一体化进程中的对外事务发展。
  Party resolution facilitates religious activities
  The implementation of a Party resolution on religious affairs has brought about positive changes in religious life in Vietnam, says a Party leader.
  Truong Tan Sang, who is a politburo member and standing secretary of the Party Central Committee, addressed a conference in Hanoi on July 30 to review the implementation of the resolution which was adopted at the 7th Party conference five years ago.
  Mr Sang acknowledged that all religious sects have abided by the law, living a secular life along with the nation. Dignitaries and followers have always trusted in the Party leadership and taken an active part in socio-economic development programmes, especially charity activities, role model movements and their religious festivals in a lawful and orderly manner.
  However, he said, an increase in the number of recognised sects recently and the distinctive features of their history require policymakers and managers to tackle issues which arise in everyday life to ensure the interests of the nation and religious followers as well.
  In a report delivered at the event, Ha Thi Khiet, chairwoman of the Party Commission for Mass Mobilisation, insisted that remarkable progress has been made in encouraging religious followers to take part in exemplary role model movements and to build the bloc of great national unity. She said that  religious sects have flourished in terms of the number of followers and places of worship from the central to grassroots-level. All sects and followers have been provided with favourable conditions to practise their faith.
  Vietnam has also made important achievements in external affairs on religion, gathering great public support and assistance from inside and outside the country.
  “This has testified to the Party and State’s policy of respecting and guaranteeing citizens’ right to freedom of religion and belief, contributing to the country’s external affairs during the integration process,” said Ms Khiet.
  She said that in the coming years the focus will continue to be on raising public awareness of Party guidelines and State policies on religion. Followers will be offered more favourable conditions to practise faith according to their charters and national law.
  At the conference, delegates looked at lessons drawn from implementing the resolution and solutions for making religious affairs more efficient in the near future.